Diagnostic Services:

Periodic Radiographs

  • In order to perform a complete diagnostic evaluation, x-rays of your teeth and supporting structures are necessary. We utilize digital Kodak sensors to capture images with significantly less radiation exposure than with traditional x-rays.

Panoramic Radiographs

  • This digital extraoral x-ray (film remains outside your mouth) enables our doctors to assess your tooth structure as well as the health of the bone and surrounding structures of the jaw.

Intraoral Cameras

  • Our enhanced cameras allow us to see an enlarged color image of your tooth, which greatly improves our ability to diagnose problems. It is also a great patient education tool in that it allows you to see what we are seeing in your mouth.

Dental Assistant helping patient with xray

Logicon Caries Detection System

  • The Logicon Caries Detection System, in conjunction with Kodak 6100 x-ray sensors, combine to offer state-of-the-art diagnostic services. The radiation from the digital sensors is far less than with conventional x-ray films. The Logicon system allows our doctors to diagnose decay more accurately, and therefore to restore it, before it becomes larger and damages more of the healthy tooth structure. This computer software measures the density of a suspected cavity and accurately tells us whether it is deep enough into the tooth structure to require restoration. This assessment is more accurate than a visual assessment only.

Cone Beam CT Scan

  • For patients interested in implants, a 3D image is necessary to determine available bone dimensions. We send patients to a nearby dental office when these scans are needed.

Intraoral Examination and Oral Cancer Screenings

  • In this procedure, Dr. Farley and Dr. Russell perform a thorough visual examination of your teeth, gums, and other tissues inside your mouth, utilizing their clinical judgment along with the diagnostic tools listed above.

If you have any questions regarding our diagnostic services or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today!