Cosmetic Services:

Opalescence BOOST Whitening

  • BOOST is our in-office bleaching service. It gives patients whitening results in the shortest amount of time of any product on the market. We apply a prescription-strength gel to your teeth for one or two rounds of 20 minutes. Whitening results are maximized when this treatment is used in combination with take-home trays (either custom or GO trays).

Opalescence Take-Home Whitening Gel

  • Traditional at-home tooth whitening utilizes custom fitted trays with gel of varying strengths for daytime or nighttime use. This whitening option takes place in the patient’s own home.

Opalescence GO Whitening

  • This new product is our FAVORITE way to whiten. These are stock trays that conform to your smile and only have to stay for 30 minutes, so you can whiten while you are at work or running errands.

Dentist holding porcelain teeth
Dentist working on porcelain teeth
Dentist working on porcelain teeth


Enamel Microabrasion
  • Veneers and Lumineers allow Dr. Farley and Dr. Russell to create your perfect smile with the placement of porcelain veneers over the front surfaces of your teeth to give you a brighter, straighter, more harmonious smile. Lumineers are a very conservative procedure as they involve a very minimal reduction of tooth structure.

Enamel Microabrasion:

  • Enamel microabrasion is the process that allows enamel spots, especially brown spots, to be removed in one appointment with the use of chemical and mechanical abrasives. Patients wear a rubber dam to protect their gums, and anesthesia is not necessary. This procedure is often used for patients with discoloration on their teeth after the removal of their braces.

If you have any questions regarding our cosmetic services or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today!